As a business owner, keeping informed about the finer points of employment law is important. If you're getting ready to hire your first employees, you need to be sure that you understand exactly what you can and cannot do. Don't risk getting yourself into legal trouble by asking the wrong question at the interview or making an off-hand comment that's considered legally unacceptable. I created this site to give you the basics of employment law expectations. I hope that the information here helps you to understand what you should and shouldn't do as you're interviewing and hiring your first staff members.
Irene Robertson
If you go camping in a national park and you are injured there, you may be able to sue. While most people assume that camping in a state park comes with some risks (e.g., encountering hungry wildlife, tripping over tree roots, etc.), certain injuries above and beyond these risks may be viewed as grounds for a personal injury lawsuit. Here is how your personal injury lawyer will determine who to sue and how.
Man-made Features Versus Natural Wonders
First and foremost, you cannot sue the government (the regulating body for the national parks system) for any natural wonder that causes you harm. For example, if you got too close to the edge of a hot geyser and were burned by the hot water as it erupted from its opening in the ground, you cannot sue for that. On the flip side, if you used a toilet in one of the bathrooms or available outhouses in the park and you were bitten by wildlife in that facility or the toilet exploded underneath you because of a plumbing problem in the park, then you can sue.
In these cases, a man-made structure or facility was the primary cause of your injuries. If you only suffered injuries because of plumbing problems, you may be able to sue the governing body. If you incurred injuries because of wayward wildlife, you can sue the park staff who should have cleared the restrooms of unwanted pests and/or wildlife.
Issues with Predatory Wildlife
If you did nothing to encourage or antagonize larger predatory animals in the park but they attacked you anyway, you may be able to sue for this. Sometimes when the park rangers are aware that there may be a man-eating animal in the park, they may post signs for campers to "camp at your own risk," or they may just try to eliminate the problem with campers in the park with no warning. If they were aware of a possible problem with a predatory animal (bear, puma, wolf, coyote, etc.) and did not warn you and you were hurt as a result, you may be able to sue the park rangers and/or the governing bodies for that particular national park.
How to Sue
Your personal injury lawyer will examine any and all contracts you may have signed prior to paying for a camping spot in the park, if applicable. If there are no contracts or fine print barring you from suing, then your lawyer will take a look at the precedence of cases involving injuries in national parks to determine what laws apply and how to proceed. Then he or she will file a lawsuit on your behalf and schedule a date for the hearing. You will need to provide all of the documentation necessary for your case and appear for your hearing on time. Any appeals or additonal hearings on the matter will also be handled by your lawyer.